Rebeca Sanver: Carmen

No matter how many times I look at these Carmen boots by the Rebeca Sanver brand, the creativity and boldness of this design never cease to astonish me.

The dark green satin leg of the boot is split down the center to the toe and finished on both sides with enormous flaring lace-up leather flaps, in old leather green, drawing attention to what looks like an exquisite stiff white damask front with an ornately finished scalloped top AND…. the whole is held together by a lace-up corset-like structure made out of a rough-looking off-white typical corset fabric. The black curved heel is almost an afterthought.

If there ever was a statement in a form of a boot, and what for one too, this is it. I won’t even attempt to go into the (literally) layers of meaning (too many avenues for interpretation), but one thing is clear – these boots are a work of art.

rebeca sanver carmen
Carmen-inspired boots by Rebeca Sanver.


About Me

Ann Mailsi is a writer and social media buff based in the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada. Her interests include fashion, technology, and nature adventures.

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