All right, we don’t only talk about shoes on this blog. Fashion tights have been an obsession of mine for years. Legs can be so expressive – why not say something nice to the world with the right pair of fashion tights? Warning: love of tights will almost certainly turn you in to something of a fashionista. Fashion (or fantasy) tights tend to have that effect on people. They made me love and appreciate fashion as a whole. My shoe obsession is very much fueled by my love of tights.
Fashion tights collections come out twice a year, just like clothes and shoes, and often in limited editions. Like a hunter, I scan online boutiques, browse around in upscale retailers close to me, keep my eyes open when traveling, and pester friends and family in Paris, Berlin, and Moscow to look for specific hard to find items. A few years ago, while web hunting for Italian, French, and Austrian tights, I discovered HYD – a Spanish hosiery brand. Fresh, sensuous style, artistic grade design, exquisite texture and color – my legs were begging for these tights. The let down was the lack of any visible sales outlets in North America or any other shopping leads. The website revealed nothing – the distribution networks lay buried deep within like the great business secret that they are. No response to my e-mails, either.
I’ve since discovered other Spanish hosiery brands – Platino (Barcelona), Cecilia de Rafael (also Barcelona), and Dusen (Castellón de la Plana, Valencia) – manufacturers of fine hosiery lines, including fantasy tights. I found several online boutiques that carried them. One boutique – – at closer inspection turned out to be Canadian, and also within a few miles from my house. Needless to say shipping costs and times are negligible. Customer service is also amazing. Score!
Recently I came across HYD, again. To my surprise, this time around their website said that HYD was an Italian luxury hosiery brand. It was still the same company, the same logo. The designs were still great, only considerably more posh. Turns out the brand continues to be run out of Barcelona, but the manufacturing is in Italy (the same is partly true for Cecilia de Rafael brand). The reality is that Italy has first-grade manufacturing facilities and some brands find it easier to have the tights made there. Or maybe HYD got an influx of Italian capital. Let’s face it – Spain is really hurting and even the business-minded Catalonia is no exception. Italians have great expectations when it comes to tights and fashion in general and they know a good thing when they see it. While the whole world shops for Italian fashion brands, sophisticated Italian consumers quietly enjoy top quality hosiery and footwear from Spain. But enough about Spanish-Italian relations. Here is a sampling of fashion tights by HYD, Platino, Cecilia de Rafael, and Dusen. Enjoy!
Fashion tights by HYD (Barcelona, possibly Italian ownership at this point)

Fashion tights by PLATINO (Barcelona)

Sexy or what?! Platino Eiffel back seamed Cuban style pantyhose – now this isn’t exactly a fashion tight, but it’s spectacular anyway. The 3D lycra yarn creates a glossy oil-finish effect. The coolest thing is the Cuban heel detail – attention all you salsa dancing gals out there! Made in Spain. 88%, 12% lycra. As seen on

Fashion tights by CECILIA DE RAFAEL (Barcelona)

Fashion Tights by DUSEN (Castellón de la Plana, Valencia)

7 Responses
Uhh I love the elegant once with the black patterns 🙂
Thanks! Which ones do you mean? I like them all, but personally own Red Garden (HYD), Plumeti (tiny black polka dots), Justine (eggplant color, patterned), and Jenka (Platino).
I’ trying to find a store that I frequented when I was studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain. They sold stockings/socks/tights/nylons and I believe it was called Calcetine but for the life of me I cannot find it online. (I’ve searched every phrase possible, which lead me to your blog post.) I thought I would reach out and see if you have heard of it. It did not seem like a high end store- it was more common and tights ran about 14 Euros per pair. I’m dying to find that store and am praying they ship internationally.
Thanks girl!
Hi Amanda,
no, I don’t know the store and it seems that they don’t have an online presence, unfortunately. Unless you mean Calzedonia, an Italian brand that sells all over Europe, Sevilla included. Small businesses in Spain are much less likely to be online than North American ones and even less likely to ship internationally. I will make some inquiries within Sevilla’s expat blogger community, to see if they know anything. I will let you know.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Ann
Are you able to locate Platino Cleancut tights in Spain ?
Hi Chris, thank you for dropping by. It’s interesting: Platino tights are easier to find abroad, mostly online, than in Spain. I did a thorough search in Spanish and so far I only saw some Platino tights at Corte Ingles, but not the Cleancut line. It’s possible that they may have more than they show on their websites. Worth a try to ask. I’m now quite curious myself, so I will contact Platino and see what they say. I also just contacted a Platino Cleancut FB community. Will get back to you when I hear something. Many people in Europe buy Platino Cleancut at this online shop in Belgium: Since I’m based in Canada, I buy Platino from a great little shop called Shapings. Cheers! Ann.