In my quest to get the best Maians has to offer, I’ve been scouring their distribution network around the world. Maians Russia boasts a wide selection and the models they choose for their customer base are the closest to what I would have chosen myself. Thankfully I have a trusted person who can purchase the shoes for me in Moscow, where their store is located (they also deliver). Their main contact person, Olga Efimova, and the staff at the store are very friendly and speak English.
The Maians Russia store is situated inside the Flacon Design Factory, a former industrial zone in north-central Moscow that has been turned into a cultural centre – a space for art, design, fashion, social initiatives and the like. The centre’s address is Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya St., 36, Moscow, Russia. You can read a TripAdvisor review of it here.

My “Remedios” ballerina in saturated sunshine yellow was bought there and now I also got a new “Aurelia” sneaker from them (to find out why I needed a second pair or to see my own personal collection of Maians, see post here).

So, if you ever in Moscow, here is a Spanish shoe related place you should definitely visit!